Today we attended music class at Adath Shalom - yes, a synagogue on Mountain Way in Morris Plains. I had some trepidation as I did at St. Ann's, because although raised Roman Catholic, I don't like to be hit over the head with religion and in this case, it wasn't even my religion. That being said, this was not to be an issue - the music was non-religious and there was no push to join the synagogue.
We arrived and found a group of mommy minivans in the back lot, so I parked alongside them and got my tribe out. Thanks to another mom we made our way to a classroom - a non-assuming room that didn't scream music. We sat in a circle (I guess with little kids that's just how it goes - there are no squares). And, that's when the fun began. The leader, Carol, WAS the instrument and if she was a song, she'd be the one that goes, "...cause my friends are your friends and your friends are my friends, the more we get together the happier we are." When they say, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" - well, that's just her speaking voice, as she emotes fun, comfort and happiness. She made us feel immediately welcomed, without singling us out and making us feel like outsiders. She just asked the kids names and proceeded.
We clapped, we sang, we danced. At one point, she snuck in a cool lesson about micro and macro rhythms. During the dancing she offered just enough guidance to make sure we were moving and the kids were trying different movements. The ending was a comforting close of fingerplay to several songs, hugging and quiet with the lights dimmed.
Mom2Mom: It was great - my shy toddler was hugging her and kept repeating, "Bye Friends!" at the end of it. It WAS a religious experience (in the non-religious sense). Classes are held most Fridays at 9:45 AM in Morris Plains/Parsippany and are $15/class (drop-ins welcome!), with the first introductory class free. To register contact Marla at